Vision Healthy wildlife, healthy Australia

Our mission is to lead national action on wildlife health to protect and enhance the natural environment, biodiversity, economy and animal and human health through strong partnerships.  

Our Values
Wildlife Health Matters

We champion wildlife health in Australia.

We support our partners and members in their endeavours to keep Australia's wildlife healthy.

Meaningful Connections

We actively foster collaborations based on trust and shared understanding. 

We facilitate long-term relationships to ensure a robust and sustainable wildlife health framework for Australia.

Responsive and Visionary

We respond to challenges by listening and learning, creating solutions for the future.

A Culture of Respect

We respect one another, our members and stakeholders, promoting a culture of diversity and cooperation. 

Integrity and Excellence

We show our dedication, honesty and commitment in everything we do. 

Our approach is thoughtful and well-considered.

Founding Principles

As a national program, WHA is faced with a range of challenges associated with operating in a federated system at national level. These challenges are further compounded by the diversity of stakeholder groups with their many different and diverse priorities and perspectives. A number of founding principles help WHA navigate through the complexities of doing business in such a challenging environment. These principles are for an organisation that:

  • focuses on human and animal health issues associated with free-ranging populations of wild animals that might impact on Australia’s animal health, human health, biodiversity, trade and tourism
  • is based on scientific endeavour and scientific objectivity
  • initiates multi-organisational collaboration amongst federal, state, local government and non-government agencies
  • strives for collaboration and complementarity rather than competition
  • is non-regulatory, financially responsible and efficient and
  • works in the national interest.
How does WHA define 'wildlife' and 'wildlife health'?

For us, 'wildlife' includes:
managed and unmanaged populations of native and feral animals, including amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Invertebrates and free-living fish are also included but are considered of lower priority. 

'Wildlife health' means:
the physical, behavioural and social well-being of free-ranging animals at an individual, population and wider ecosystem level, and their resilience to change. 


Core funding is provided through a cost-shared agreement with the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and all Australian state and territory governments. 

Significant in-kind funding and support is also provided by Australia's states and territories, zoo, university and other veterinary practices that see wildlife, as well as many other supporters and collaborators both within and outside of government. 

Corporate Documents
Position Statements

Corporate Documents

Position Statements


Support WHA

Wildlife Health Australia (WHA) leads national action to respond to emerging health issues affecting Australia’s wildlife. Today, you can join us, donate to support our work, or follow us to protect our unique and precious wildlife.

koala snuggled with its baby in tree
Join the Community!

Wildlife Health Australia aims to link, inform and support people and organisations who work with or have an interest in wildlife health across Australia through technical advice, facilitation, communications and professional support.