News & Media Releases
Wildlife Health Australia welcomes $7 million Federal Government funding for HPAI H5N1 preparedness

Oct, 14 2024 | News Type

Wildlife Health Australia welcomes $7 million Federal Government funding for HPAI H5N1 preparedness

Wildlife Health Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement this week that it will be allocating $7 million to WHA as part of its $95 million package to support H5N1 preparedness and response.

Dr Richard Russell appointed Chair of Wildlife Health Australia

Jul, 28 2024 | News Type

Dr Richard Russell appointed Chair of Wildlife Health Australia

Wildlife Health Australia welcomes Dr Richard Russell as the incoming Chair.

Wildlife Health Australia update on avian influenza and wild birds

Jun, 20 2024 | News Type

Wildlife Health Australia update on avian influenza and wild birds

Investigation of poultry illness and deaths in Victoria, in May-June 2024, and in NSW in June 2024, has detected several different high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H7 viruses - H7N3 and...
Background on avian influenza in wild birds

May, 30 2024 | News Type

Background on avian influenza in wild birds

There have been two recent detections of avian influenza in two poultry farms in country Victoria. These strains of avian influenza are different from the high pathogenicity avian influenza H5...
Wildlife Health Australia celebrates National Reconciliation Week

May, 23 2024 | News Type

Wildlife Health Australia celebrates National Reconciliation Week

WHA has committed to using the opportunity offered by National Reconciliation Week in 2024 to reflect on our aspirations and actions towards forging trusted, strong and productive two-way...

Historical Media Releases

For media releases prior to November 2021, please email the Marketing & Communications team at

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Wildlife Health Australia (WHA) leads national action to respond to emerging health issues affecting Australia’s wildlife. Today, you can join us, donate to support our work, or follow us to protect our unique and precious wildlife.

koala snuggled with its baby in tree
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Wildlife Health Australia aims to link, inform and support people and organisations who work with or have an interest in wildlife health across Australia through technical advice, facilitation, communications and professional support.