Wildlife Health Australia Gift Fund
WHA maintains a gift fund of donations that are made to support its environmental endeavours. The WHA Gift Fund receives donations primarily from members and the public.
Donations received will be used for purposes that align with the WHA Vision and Mission, and will be used to support outcomes that protect and enhance the natural environment.
Some categories for projects that can be funded through the WHA Gift Fund include:
- Support and address wildlife health issues
- Supporting Indigenous or community wildlife health initiatives
- Student sponsorship and/or scholarship
If you would like to support WHA and donate to the gift fund, donations can be made here: https://wildlifehealthaustralia.com.au/Support-Us/Donate
Grants 2024/2025
Grant opportuniites for 2024/2025 are currently under review. When grant opportuniites are open, they will be shared with members and the public through our social media channels, or please check back here for further details.