Incident Information

Information is available on a number of current wildlife health incidents in Australia, as well as selected long-term health investigations and historic wildlife health incidents. Detailed information is available in the national electronic Wildlife Health Information System (eWHIS).

Use the search bar to find information on wildlife health incidents. 

Some recent incidents of national interest have been supplied as quick links in the side menu.

Jun, 27 2024 | Avian Influenza

High pathogenicity avian influenza information - H5N1 global outbreak

For information on the HPAI H7 outbreaks in poultry in Victoria, NSW and the ACT, see HPAI H7 in poultry, Vic, NSW and ACT - May & June 2024.

High pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 clade has caused ongoing outbreaks of disease in wild birds, from 2021, throughout much of North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, and into Antarctica and its islands. Mortalities have been observed in a wide range of species, seen as individual bird deaths and have included mass mortalities. The emergence of the strain overseas means an increased risk to Australia, due to the increase in the likelihood of entry into Australia via wild bird movements and anticipated increased consequences if it were to enter. 

Avian influenza is a nationally notifiable disease which means if you suspect an animal is showing signs of the disease, you must report it. You can do this by calling the national Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Note: All Australian jusrisdictions also require that all avian influenza virus detections are reported to the relevant Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO).

WHA advice and information

WHA HPAI risk mitigation toolboxes 

  • WHA Video - presentations from the Information Session on the HPAI Risk Mitigation Toolbox for Wildlife Care Providers (June 2024) **NEW** Includes:
    • an update on HPAI in Australia and overseas (Simone Vitali)
    • HPAI and the Wildlife Rehabilitator Experience in the USA (Dr Victoria Hall, Director of The Raptor Centre at the University of Minnesota)
    • orientation and guidance on the use of the risk mitigation toolbox (Simone Vitali)

Guidelines (national and international)

Further information (Australia)

Further information (international)

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koala snuggled with its baby in tree
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Wildlife Health Australia aims to link, inform and support people and organisations who work with or have an interest in wildlife health across Australia through technical advice, facilitation, communications and professional support.