Incident Information

Information is available on a number of current wildlife health incidents in Australia, as well as selected long-term health investigations and historic wildlife health incidents. Detailed information is available in the national electronic Wildlife Health Information System (eWHIS).

Use the search bar to find information on wildlife health incidents. 

Some recent incidents of national interest have been supplied as quick links in the side menu.

Dec, 19 2024 | More incidents

Incident - Lorikeet paralysis syndrome NSW & Qld - ongoing

Lorikeet paralysis syndrome (LPS) is a seasonal syndrome which has been occurring in eastern Australia since at least 2012. During the 2023-24 summer there were particularly high numbers of cases in northern NSW and southern Qld.
LPS primarily affects rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus moluccanus) but has also been reported in scaly-breasted lorikeets (T. chlorolepidotus). Affected birds are unable to fly, with varying degrees of paralysis of the hindlimbs. In more severe cases, the paralysis may affect the whole body and the bird may be unable to blink or swallow and have a significant change to the voice. Less severely affected birds may recover with supportive treatment. For more information: Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome - Triage & Treatment protocol

The occurrence of FFPS overlaps geographically and seasonally with similar clusters of paralysis affecting rainbow lorikeets (Flying Fox Paralysis Syndrome (FFPS)). Although the cause of both syndromes may not be the same, the similarities are of interest to investigations because flying-foxes and lorikeets share ecological niches and food sources. 

To facilitate communication and coordination, Wildlife Health Australia has formed a combined Paralysis Syndromes Working Group with participation from wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, scientists and government agencies.

The working group has established a Diagnosis and Investigation sub-group to continue a systematic approach to further diagnostic investigation of both syndromes. This group is currently focusing on toxins (plant, fungal or other origin) and metabolic disease as the most likely causes of FFPS and LPS. Investigations have found no evidence of an infectious disease as the cause of either syndrome (Paralysis event in flying foxes in Queensland and New South Wales).

A second sub-group is focusing on Incident Preparedness and Response for LPS and FFPS. Through this group, triage, treatment and response protocols are being developed, refined and circulated to assist with management of LPS and FFPS cases.
Members of the public who see a sick lorikeet should:

If you see any other unusual signs of disease or deaths in wildlife anywhere in Australia, you can report it to:

  • your local State/Territory WHA Coordinator
  • the 24-hour Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on free call 1800 675 888
  • your local veterinarian
  • the Department of Primary Industries or Agriculture in the State/Territory in which the event is occurring/occurred.

Additionally, the University of Sydney requests citizen scientists to report observations of LPS on iNaturalist including the plants or foods lorikeets were observed feeding on. Find out more HERE.

WHA Fact Sheet: Lorikeet paralysis syndrome

Lacasse et al (2021) Investigation into clinicopathological and pathological findings, prognosis, and aetiology of lorikeet paralysis syndrome in rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus)Australian Veterinary Journal

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koala snuggled with its baby in tree
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