News & Media Releases

Mar, 12 2014 | Investigation and diagnostics

Koala Health Hub

The Koala Health Hub (KHH) is a new initiative founded on the generosity of public donations to the Koala Park Sanctuary fund for the treatment and research of koala diseases. The Koala Health Hub delivers free, high quality diagnostics and expertise for the benefit and support of koala care groups and associated veterinarians. It also supports high quality therapeutic care to koalas from the Sydney region via the Faculty’s Wildlife Clinic at Camden, and supports the training of future koala veterinarians, researchers and carers through research scholarships and training workshops. Services and expertise are based on the research into koala diseases that has been part of the work of the Veterinary Faculty of the University for more than 35 years and is ongoing in the Koala Infectious Diseases Research Group (KIDReG). In addition to the Koala Health Hub, our Faculty has a strong history of wildlife research in a range of disciplines and species. The Faculty’s Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Services (VPDS) are donating their record keeping database, and some additional pathology expertise and services to this project.  Find out more here >>

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koala snuggled with its baby in tree
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